Last week was the first time I have ever ran 10 Miles, and I did at less than 10 minutes per mile, I was proud, but I was beat. They say the best teacher is experience, and while experience can't teach you everything, it can help you realize how much you do not know.
For anyone reading this thinking "Why in the world would any sane person run 10 miles?" Well, I can't speak for a sane person, but the reason I ran 10 miles is because I am training to run in the Rock-N-Roll Half Marathon in New Orleans on March 4th. This is an amazing event in an amazing city and I am really looking forward to it, but I am also a bit anxious as I have NEVER ran 13.1 miles in my life. Honestly never thought I had a reason to.
Anyway back to the subject at hand, What did I learn from last weeks run, and how did this weeks run go? After completing the run last week, I felt light headed, drained, and quite frankly a bit worthless for the rest of the day. I thought there was a legitimate chance I might pas out on my cool down walk home. I thought I was in pretty good shape I had just ran 8 miles the previous week, why had the extra 2 miles felt like such torture.
I took this week to talk to many of my running friends who have more experience than I do in distance running, I also read a lot of articles about training; turns out, there is a lot I still have to learn about running. First let me say, I had sort of a messed up macho view of running, I thought the goal was to go as far as you can, as fast as you can without stopping for anything, especially not food or water. Seems that isn't very smart.
I decided to change a few things up this week, as awkward as it seemed I carried a water bottle in my pocket, and I also carried a protein gel to consume so my body would have some fuel to burn. I also made a point to try not to focus on my pace as much as I usually do.

It was a windy, but otherwise gorgeous day in OSMS and I chose a route that would take me along as much beach and avoid as much sidewalk as possible. It is a good thing I decided not to focus on my pace, as it was blown out of the water early and often. Before I had gone a mile I had to stop and tie my shoe. Then before I had made it to the 3 mile mark I was flagged down by a couple looking for the Daiquiri Shop, which I have never been to. I tried to be gracious and give them directions, hope I got them somewhere close.
Just about half way I walked for a few feet while I ingested the Gel and some of the water. I was surprised that I did not hate the Gel, I was also surprised at how well it worked. As I was on my way home some where between mile 7 and 8 I got flagged down again this time directions to the marina, Seriously, I am in running clothes dripping sweat and obviously trying to get somewhere, do I really look like a TomTom? I am sure after they tried to follow my directions they wished they would have had a TomTom.
1 | 9:41 | -5 |
2 | 9:49 | 5 |
3 | 10:29 | 4 |
4 | 10:01 | -18 |
5 | 10:28 | -6 |
6 | 9:55 | 11 |
7 | 10:15 | 10 |
8 | 10:35 | -2 |
9 | 10:14 | 4 |
10 | 10:23 | 6 |
I finished my run, it took 3 minutes longer than last week, and my pace was off by :14 per mile from the previous week, the good thing, my pace on the last two miles was better than my pace on those same 2 miles last week and I have actually had a lot more energy after the run this week.
I guess sometimes we have to change our definitions. I would never have called a run that was that far off of my pace a good run; however this is the first time I have ever finished a run and actually believed I really can make it 13.1 miles. The way I felt after this run and the fact I went double digits means this really was a great run!
I want to thank Lisa, Tish, Kelly, Gerry, Brian, Sabrina, and anyone else I may have forgotten for all the time and advice this week. I finally feel like I will be ready for the challenge!
h : m : s