Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Thoughts During a Hotel Breakfast

I am typing this on my phone from the hotel breakfast bar,  so please forgive me if it's not as well edited as usual.  My editor and theological advisor are both in cabins in the woods leading the children of our church at summer camp.  I am very excited to hear all about their experiences. 

I worked part of the day yesterday than drove the 200 miles to Yazoo County to see my grandmother. I know for a fact I could not be an over the road truck driver,  I get bored and like to constantly have something to eat and drink at hand.  Anyway,  the trip was mostly uneventful,  which is always good.

When I got here my grandmother had been given some medicine to help her sleep.  Because I know she has a rough day ahead today I wanted to make sure she got some rest,  so I drove a mile up the road and checked into a hotel.  She is scheduled to have a heart cath this morning and I have to drive her from here to Jackson.  I am not sure how long she will be there or how she will react to the procedure,  but she is scared.  She has talked about her funeral more than once.  Please keep her in your prayers.

I still have not finished the next scheduled blog about Joseph.  I have just had too much else on my mind.  I do have another thought on my heart.  I want to share some thoughts on one of my favorite broken vessels.

I have focused a lot in this blog on God using those of us who are broken,  those of us who are flawed.  I talk a lot about redemption and a lot about grace. 

While grace is all powerful we can not see it as a free pass. Throughout the Gospel when Jesus would encounter sin he would forgive it; however he would also charge the sinner to "sin no more"

Our sins have consequences; they can hurt others and mostly they separate us from God. His forgiveness is always available to us, there is however a restorative process we go through.

Peter was a fisherman when Jesus called him to follow Him. Peter spent  the next several years by Jesus's side. He heard every lesson Jesus ever taught. He saw every miracle Jesus ever performed. He even walked on water with Jesus.

One of the reasons why Peter is one of my favorites is because despite how closely he was with Jesus he still never failed to show his human flaws. Moment after he's walking on water we see him fall under because he has a brief moment of doubt.

Even though he spent three years by Jesus's side the night they took Jesus to be tried and later crucified Peter denied knowing him. Peter didn't just deny him once he denied him three times and even cursed at the little girl asking him the question.

A lot of you already know Peter's failing did not disqualify him from future service. He went on to lead the early church gave an amazing message the first day of Pentecost that led thousands of people to follow Christ. However, Peter did not rise to become a church leader until after he had been forgiven in restored.

In John chapter 21 we see Peter and his crew had been out fishing when he a resurrected Jesus on the bank. When Peter finally and counters Jesus Jesus asks him three separate times "Peter do you love me"

Why did he ask him three times? Was it once for every time Peter had )my b n him?

My contention is this encounter these three questions were all part of Peters restoration. Peter had to come back under Jesus's Authority he had to acknowledge Him He had to confess his sins and he had to be restored if he was going to be a leader for Christ.

The amazing thing is Jesus's grace and Peter's  restoration was complete and completely free. The entire price had already been paid.  Christ's forgiveness is always there and easy to obtain.

The restoration can take a little longer,  it can be a process but it is a necessary encounter. We have to put Jesus back in authority of our lives and he will draw us ball to him.

Got to refill this tiny cup of hotel cofee and go do this medical transport.. maybe next week we will talk Joseph.

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