Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brick By Brick

This morning I completed My first Brick Workout.. WHat i did would not be considered by some to be that tough, but it was my first attempt at mixing running and cycling into one session and it was tougher than I thought.

I started out with a nice brisk ride. I completed 9 miles and actually clocked my best speed to date. A little more than 15mph.

As I arrived back to the house I stopped long enough to park the bike , grab a swig of water and start running. I ran for 2 miles, but my legs began to feel heavy almost immediately. Going from the low impact ride to the high impact run was not an easy transition. I was not thrilled with my pace on the run, but I wasn't too disappointed either. Just a little under 19 minutes.

I know for a more experienced Triathlete this would probably not even be considered a real brick, but I was proud of my self.

How To Do a Brick Workout

I will close out with a saying I read in a forum some where:

How is a triathlete built? Brick By Brick!

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