First of all... what a fantastic week it was!
On Monday I had my best run yet (sounding like a broken record i know) I ran 28 Minutes and completed 2.67 miles at a pace of just over 10 minutes per mile. I am certainly making progress.
Another great thing that Happened this week was at the Wednesday Weigh-in the scale provided me with the number I have been working towards for 13 Months. I am finally below 200 lbs and have finally hit the 100 pound goal... But everyone has heard me boast about that already.
One last thing that was great this last week was that I finished the first month of Insanity. As many may remember I have started this program before but got some sort of freak injury and didn't finish the first month. Based on the calendar... I get a "recovery week then it gets CRAZY!
Yesterday I got a little ambitious and tried to run the Ocean Springs Biloxi Bridge (3.4 Mile Round trip) for those who are familiar with the bridge it is a fun yet arduous run as there is a very daunting incline. I learned that I am not quite ready for the distance and especially not for the incline. I was disappointed with how much I had to walk but I felt good that I pushed myself and ran a lot more of it than I walked. From now until race day i think i will refer to this bridge as The Measuring Stick because my performance on this bridge will be a great indicator as to my readiness to run my first 5k
I do have a confession before I get into the game plan for this coming week. I have been doing my Insanity workouts at night and everything has been good, However on Friday i went out and had an AMAZING dinner date with my beautiful wife. When we got home it was fairly late and I made the decision to forgo the night's workout. I wouldn't trade the night with the wife for anything but I do wish i would have found a way to sneak in my workout. I guess I didn't have to share that, but I have always used this space as a place for complete honesty. So let's hope no one thinks less of me...
So, that is the week we are putting to bed, what's coming up next?
This being "Recovery Week" for Insanity I am scheduled to complete a workout called Cardio Core & Balance every day this week. I have not done this workout before but it seems to be toned done a bit from the regular workout. Here is a Preview. I am excited
As far as the running for next week I feel my body responds better to only 3 runs per week at this time and since we are only 4 weeks away from the run it is important to keep going with what seems to be working.
I plan to run for 30 minutes Monday and again on Wednesday I will track these runs with RunKeeper and post the results. I Plan to attempt "The Measuring Stick" again next Saturday. My goal will be to improve my performance from this week.
Looking forward to a fun and challenging week I will keep everyone updated.
As always thanks to anyone who may be following along