Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 1, 2011

I shared previously about my Resolutions and goals for 2011 and I wanted to take a few moments to update after the first 7 days

I have so far succeeded in doing physical activity every day... that is a step in the right direction...I want to take just a minute to update on my four resolutions.

1. The hundred pound journey continues and I am only 4 pounds away from completing it... I am very excited... I think I will be there before the end of January if not before... I also wanted to take a breif second to brag... something I try no to do but there are a couple of things I am excited about. I wore a size 33 dress pant to work yesterday and they fit very nicely I also wore a size 16-16.5 dress shirt to work. Both of those are nice, but the thing that really make me happy is the wife bought me some size 33 jeans... and they are loose... I can actually fit into size 32.... that is the first time since 1994.. I will post a blog next week about some of the size differences now and 1 year ago... it boggles my mind.

2. My second resolution was to complete a rematch with the Insanity program... I guess somewhere in my mind I forgot how grueling this program is...but so far through 5 days I am thriving... after day 2 I had some discomfort and muscle soreness but each day my body has gotten progressively more adjusted and I actually feel like I am performing at a pretty good pace... even if I still have yet to complete Plyometric Cardio Circuit standing... I am grateful tomorrow is a day of rest

3. My 3rd resolution was to run a 5k before the end of march and a 10k by the end of the year.... I am beginning to doubt my own mental health..;.. I have found the 5k I want to run... it is Feb 26 in Biloxi and I have previously posted a link. The problem is I am so far from being ready... I have ran 3 times so far this year... each time I have not quite completed a full mile without some walking. Thanks to this wonderfully accurate little program called RunKeeper I have learned that a mile is a further than I thought.

I do love the results RunKeeper gives though;This morning I did complete 1.22 Miles it took me 15:47 seconds and burned 131 calories That is a pace of 12:55 per mile. Even if I could keep that pace up for 3.1 Miles it would take me 40 minutes to run the 5k. If my only goal is to complete it i guess that's not too bad... but right now I don't think I could complete it... I have right at seven weeks to keep preparing... I would appreciate any advise from more experienced runners...

4. My final resolution is to have abs by the end of the year... good thing I still have 51 more weeks to work on this one...

Thanks to anyone who may be reading I appreciate your support...

by the way if there is anyone in the Vancleave area who happens to read this and wants to run with my I can use the push...

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